Saturday, April 8, 2017

Windows in life

Somehow this picture makes me feel so balanced.  I feel as if I was looking out into the world, safely in the arms of mother nature.  It reminded me of something Dr. Tae Yun Kim wrote, in her book, "Seven Steps to Inner Power."  It's about looking at yourself.

"Look clinically a your strengths and weaknesses.  You don't need to make value judgments on yourself.  When you find our strengths, decide to keep them, but do not become overly confident or egotistical.  When you find your weaknesses, determine to eliminate them, but do not fall in a mire of depression, dejection, or self-condemnation." (page 22)

For me personally, this job of looking at myself is always so much easier in the arms of nature.  How about you?

Dr. Kim has been advising me over the years, and one of the most helpful things has been, and always will be, an honest self assessment, and then working on improving myself.  Ready to give it a try?