Thursday, August 28, 2008

Determination - one of Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's most important teachings

I am excited to write about this one - determination! I have learned a lot about that in my martial arts classes at Jung SuWon Academy, but I have also learned to apply that in my daily life.

Let me quote from Dr. Tae Yun Kim's book, Seven Steps to Inner Power to illustrate:

"Here's the unfortunate thing about determination: it only works when you want it to.
Unswerving determination is one of the most important factors in reaching your goal, in reaching any goal. Only you can make your determination work for you. And if you use it, your determination will attract to you all the other factors needed for your success - the right associates, the right information, being in the right place at the right time, and so on. Determine now to value determination!"

And today, I'll use someone else's example for illustration. Even though I have experienced it myself a lot, today, I would like to share the following video with you, to show that determination brings great results:

(FYI, this is not a one-time fluke - this Jung SuWon Student has done this before....)

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