Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Be like water!

It seems like every day I drive to work I get ideas about blogging.  Today, it was raining really hard, and I remembered just last week we had some incredible water experiences.

Dr. Tae Yun Kim has a lot to say about water, it's power, it's strength, it's flexibility, it's ability to adjust to just about anything.

Today, let's talk about the incredible power of water.  The video above?  That was a driveway before the rains washed it out and created canyons.

Dr. Tae Yun Kim puts it this way: Just think about it - the Grand Canyon itself was created by the force of water.  It took a lot longer than washing out a driveway, but it was that same kind of power that made it happen. Also think about water in a fire hose, how powerful it is!  However, if not channeled into a hose, that same amount of water will just flow out and create a lake, sitting there and not able to put out any fires, yet having it's own beauty, tranquility, and be home to may animals.

Water will find a way to get where it needs to go; gently if it can, forceful if it has to.

"Be like water," Dr. Tae Yun Kim says, "Be gentle whenever you can. Be forceful when you need to be. But do get your goals accomplished!"

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