Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jung Su Won training - Self Discover Weekends!

Ah yes, those wonderful times, when we went out to some place in the wilderness and trained like we imagined it might have been for the ancient warriors!

Well, this being more modern times, we did have each our own individual tents, and some other small remnants of civilization with us, but for the most part, it was pretty much "roughing it", at least on those original ones...what wonderful memories! We did not keep any watches on us, or cell phones, or pagers. No flashlights, battery operated anything.

We would arrive on Friday night, leaving right after work, and drive for several hours, and then pitch our tents. Then sitting around a campfire...Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim would introduce us to this strange new world...

I will never forget my first Self Discovery weekend - I was barely a purple belt and still so new to a lot of Martial Arts. I asked an instructors where the bathrooms were.

And what do you think I was told? Nothing! I was simply handed a shovel, with a roll of toiled paper stuck on top of it...

More of this tomorrow

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