I simply couldn't resist. I mean, wedding's don't just happen a lot these days, and at Jung Suwon, they are simply extraordinary. You saw the videos of the Bride and groom performing Martial Arts breaks in their wedding clothes.
However, they were not the only ones to be called up to perform. It was wonderful to see how everyone in attendance loved this wedding - so full of surprises, and so much showing what it means to be a Jung SuWon warrior, 24/7.
Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim always challenges us to be ready any time, any place, for just about anything.
Here you will see just such a situation:
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
More on a very special Jung SuWon Warrior team...
Monday, November 17, 2008
More thoughts about a Jung Suwon Wedding
Like I mentioned in my last post, as a Jung SuWon student, you are ready for anything, anytime, whether it's at a testing or on your wedding day! Weddings are the start off point for a successful marriage, and is based on love.
Here is one of my most favorite quotes of all of Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim:
"Before you can express love, you must find love. You must know love within yourself before you can give it to another. When you recognize or experience the truth about yourself you automatically feel love, because love is a quality of your true consciousness and true ideas."
(Seven Steps to Inner Power, page 70)
And now for some really heartwarming short "wedding videos." Enjoy!
The Groom:
The Bride:
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Something out of the Ordinary: a Jung SuWon style Wedding
A wedding between Jung SuWon Warriors is never anything predictable. We love to celebrate every living breath, and since Jung SuWon means the unity of body, mind, and spirit, as one, this of course also applies to all that happens in our lives. It is always something wonderful to see two people who love each other, make a commitment to each other.
I love Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's quote as to what true love is:
"When you feel this Love, you're glad to be alive, and grateful to wake up every day and live your life. This Love finds beauty everywhere, and appreciates how creative life is, knowing that possibilities exist everywhere to create more joy and more happiness and more freedom. This Love can't be hurt or destroyed because it is pure energy. It can be temporarily clouded over, but not destroyed. When it is clouded over with negative emotions or painful situations, it keeps on loving until harmony is reached again. Because this love is real and true, it is powerful. It can overcome anything untrue simply by being there, just as the sunlight burns clouds away."
(The Silent Master, page 113)
And in closing this post, I couldn't resist showing you this video of the happy couple. Well, it's not from the wedding (it'll take some time to edit that one), but you can see what a true warrior couple is all about.....
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Jung SuWon warriors - what it means during elections
As Jung Suwon Warriors, we don't just limit ourselves to being warriors in the Do Jang. To be a true Jung Suwon student and warrior, it means we practice what we learn throughout our lives, in all situations.
Take the upcoming elections for example. While I have, or course, my own opinion and my own decision as to whom I will vote for, I will not publish this here, nor will I endorse anyone candidate for any of the races.
But what I will do is emphasize that we not only have the right but also duty, to vote. "It is your personal choice what you do in your life", one of Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's most published quotes, is true here as well.
As an immigrant into this great country, and now a naturalized citizen, I proudly cast my vote every time.
Please let's all go vote. Follow your heart and follow your dreams!
Monday, October 6, 2008
I was going to write more about our recent testing at Jung SuWon, and I will. But I cannot just pass by the event we had last weekend.
It was a political fundraiser, as we do once in a while. Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim always supports the community she is in, and she teaches that it is good to stand up what you believe in. If you believe in a certain candidate, it's ok to say so - as long as you don't try to convince others to have the same opinion.
Anyhow, like testings, fundraisers and other events at Jung SuWon are never predictable. For example, this time, the candidate was asked to break a board!
And here you can see it for yourself! (Amd no, I am not a hidden add site for Mr. Cho - I am simply writing about his board break!)
And I cannot resist showing you this video as well. This is because I am so proud of our demo team, all youngsters that have drastically improved their lives through the discipline and joy of Martial arts. See what they can do:
This is why I am a passionate Martial Artist and a passionate Jung Suwon Warrior!
He Can Do, She Can Do, Why not me!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Jung SuWon - young warriors at testing
As you know now, at Jung SuWon, Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim doesn't just give out new belts just because you have been training for a while, or because you paid a certain amount of fees, or because you are "just a kid." There is actually no such thing here....no matter who you are, what gender, what age...you will be pushed to whatever your own limits are - and discover new strengths in the process.
No, at Jung SuWon you get your new belts the old fashioned way: you earn them! Whether old or young, you have to show that you have improved, and not just inside the Do Jang, but also in whatever you do.
This applies to even the youngest warriors. Not only do you have to perform physically, but warriors of all ages need to hand in a written test, which consists of questions and essay questions. For the younger ones this could mean drawing a picture....
And here you see some examples from our last testing....these young warriors and artists are all around 7 years old....
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Jung SuWon Testing - testing even when you didn't sign up
So, back to the testing we had at Jung SuWon. Like I might have mentioned before, with Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim you never quite know how testing will go. "Expect the unexpected!" And, one of her most favorite sayings also is, "You are always testing." When you train at Jung SuWon, you test every single day, every class. That is the real test. When you come to the scheduled testing, Grandmaster Kim explains, it's more like a performance of things you have already accomplished. It is sort of putting a stamp on who you are.
So naturally, it wasn't so much about doing everything correctly, or whether or not these students executed their kicks perfectly, although of course you do need to fulfill some of those requirements as well. It was all about heart, about spirit, about internal energy. About going beyond what you think you can do.
First thing, Grandmaster Kim called up the oldest student of Jung SuWon. He wasn't on the testing list, but he ran up front, attention bowed, and, in the true warrior spirit, was ready for everything and anything.
Don is 75 years old, and has earned his black belt several years ago. His body might be 75, but his mind, his spirit, are a lot younger than that. He is a wonderful example of what is truly means to walk your talk. He may be retired from "normal" work, but he works very hard. His wife has been very sick for many years, and the past 5 years has been completely confined to her bed, unable to do even the most basic things for herself. Don does everything for her.
When asked why, at his age, he still trains in the Martial Arts, he will tell you that it keeps his sanity, it helps him be strong, and do what is needed.
Watch this short video as to what happened at Jung SuWon, about a week ago.....
Monday, September 15, 2008
Jung SuWon Testing at its best!

Friday, September 12, 2008
In honor of 9-11-2001

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Celebrate Life!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Determination - one of Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's most important teachings
I am excited to write about this one - determination! I have learned a lot about that in my martial arts classes at Jung SuWon Academy, but I have also learned to apply that in my daily life.
Let me quote from Dr. Tae Yun Kim's book, Seven Steps to Inner Power to illustrate:
"Here's the unfortunate thing about determination: it only works when you want it to.
Unswerving determination is one of the most important factors in reaching your goal, in reaching any goal. Only you can make your determination work for you. And if you use it, your determination will attract to you all the other factors needed for your success - the right associates, the right information, being in the right place at the right time, and so on. Determine now to value determination!"
And today, I'll use someone else's example for illustration. Even though I have experienced it myself a lot, today, I would like to share the following video with you, to show that determination brings great results:
(FYI, this is not a one-time fluke - this Jung SuWon Student has done this before....)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Jung SuWon Video
I think by now you are getting the idea: Jung SuWon training is nothing what you ever expect. Just when you think you got it all figured out - you realize you just don't!
We were preparing to participate in a regional tournament. Now we don't usually go to tournaments because they have deteriorated so much, and made political events out of a very ancient Martial Arts form. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying people shouldn't participate - I am just saying, we usually don't.
During that preparation time, we also had a demo at a local high school. It was a very large school, and we had several demos scheduled during the day. Late in the afternoon, I was a bit careless and while breaking a couple of cinderblocks with an axe kick, I slashed open my heel, blood everywhere. I ended up with stitches in my heel and doctors telling me I wasn't supposed to walk much, let alone train.
No good! The tournament was in 3 days, and I am grounded? So I was going to just wing it and participate anyhow.
But Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim wouldn't have any of that. No, she had an entirely different plan for me. Grab the video camera and film! Now I had never filmed anything in my entire life, nor had I even held a camera before. I knew nothing, not even how to turn this thing on! Well, ok, so I asked, what about doing the forms? I agred to film the sparring, but what about forms? Expecting that Grandmaster Kim would say I could do at least compete in forms. But, she just calmly replied, "You can film those too."
You can imagine that the remaining days I spent every minute I had with the camera and trying to learn what to do and how to do it....
Martial Arts is a whole lot more than punching and kicking....it's all about living life to the fullest!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Obstacle course a la Jung SuWon, or, conquer your fears and weaknesses!
Re-reading my previous post I realize that I haven't really told you much, especially about that obstacle course. Well, it was one even the army wouldn't have minded to have, I am sure!
It started out innocently enough, with kicking and punching bags hung from nice redwood trees. You could almost pretend like you were right at home at the Jung SuWon Do Jang! It slowly increased in intensity - but when you first started the course, you couldn't see the tough part, only the nice, inviting bags....so with gusto I started out....
...until I stared at the rope suspended from another Redwood tree, and - watching the people before me, I realized I was supposed to grab the rope, run, and swing over a tree stump. Not!
I stood there, sweating, considering, thinking - but there was no time for that since others lined up behind me and urged me to go. With a resounding "He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not Me!" I was gently propelled towards the rope, that an ever so helpful instructor held out to me....so I grabbed the rope and started running...I was way scared, but did jump - well, sort of, I bypassed the stump but did jump up in the air and was flying for a little bit Ok, so with that out of the way, I ran along the course and saw the tires...a LOT of tires! Looking ahead, I saw people hopping through them, you had to step into each of them, ok, at least nothing too scary with this and I started - thank goodness everyone behind me was very patient because it seemed I was in those tires forever, hopping around like a chicken without a head! I fell a few times too, but so what!
Next thing I remember (and I am sure I forgot some stations of this course) was a set of balance beams, starting with one low to the ground, and the next one higher and so forth, you had to walk along each of them and then step onto the next higher. So far, so good. I started out and it wasn't so bad. The next one was ok too, but then it started to get serious for me.
Funny how the mind works. The balance beams were all the exact same width and length. Exactly! However, the higher up they were, the narrower they seemed, and the longer! All of a sudden I kept loosing my balance, got wobbly and got very scared.
But Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim had the solution. Instead of letting me come down - no way! She simply extended the end of her bamboo stick to me, to "hold on" to. Now if I had seriously started falling, that stick could of course not have held me up. However, it provided the mental railing I needed and with holding on to that small point, I was able to complete this task.
After jumping off the last beam, I found myself face to face with a tall wall, that I hadn't seen yet - I was so absorbed in what I was doing that I hadn't paid attention to that high wall looming ever so high and unapproachable.
I simply didn't want to even try this. It was just too high! I don't know if it was 10 feet tall or more, it was TOO HIGH! Didn't anyone realize that? I just stood there looking for a way out and this time, seriously for a way out. I stepped to the side a little and for a few minutes I was allowed the illusion of actually getting out of climbing the wall, while others passed by me and did the climbing - or the attempting.
Watching others climb made me even more scared and I was relieved I was just able to stand off to the side. I was hoping I could turn into a tree and just blend into the forest. But, Grandmaster Kim had a different plan for me.
Of course she had not forgotten about me, nor was going to just let me "weasel out." She had everyone stop and then asked me to climb. Oh no! Not that! Not only climbing the wall, but with everyone watching? I must be having a nightmare!
I was standing there in a daze, but someone moved me somehow closer to the wall and put the rope into my hands, the rope that was supposed to help me over the wall. I looked up and it seemed the wall was melting into the sky, it was so high! I was so scared I wanted to run off and cry. But all around me there was a circle of people, smiling so nicely and everyone telling me I could do it.
With so much positive energy around me, how could I resist? Well, at least I could try - I was already convinced I couldn't do it, so at least I could give it a good try, right? I grabbed the rope and started, half heartedly. Of course I kept plunking right back down. I looked around for a possibility to "escape" this, but not a chance. I got the idea that I was actually expected to make it to the top! Nobody was physically or mentally forcing me, just everybody was smiling and happy and really wanting me to make it! All of a sudden I felt pumped up and thought, well maybe there is a chance...and with gusto this time I grabbed the rope and "rope-walked" the wall. After a few more tries I got close to the top, but now what! How do I get over the top? Somehow an instructor appeared seemingly out of nowhere and reached over, grabbed me by the belt and helped me over the top.
Whow, what a feeling! I was so happy I was crying. It wasn't the wall, it wasn't that I was standing however many feet up in the air cheering and clapping like mad, it was the fact that I was sooooo convinced I couldn't do it and yet, Grandmaster Kim showed me, yes, I could do it! And everyone with their clapping and cheering and yelling and even screaming almost carried me up that wall.
To me that wall became a symbol in my life. That whenever something seems just too impossible to get done, I remember, yes, it can be done!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Jung SuWon "camping" - the infamous obstacle course
One of the things we did you'll have seen in the video from a couple of postings ago. Yes, a real outdoor obstacle course, one even the Army would have been proud of!
It included all sorts of items and "things", most of which I would have put into the category of turture instruments, but I did grow to love it - the thrill of it, the feeling of accomplishing something so utterly unimaginable to me.
Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim, of course, wanted to show us our potential. She explained that each of us already has all the potential we'll ever need and that her job is to show us a bit of that potential. So even though I was scared out of my mind, and didn't think I could do any of the Obstacle course exercises....after a round or two, yes, I was doing it.
After that, we all sat down around the camp fire and expressed. Grandmaster started by saying....see what you did today! If you can do that, you can do anything you set your mind to!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
More of Jung Su Won Style camping...
So while I thoroughly enjoyed the physical workout - I very much loved the Ki energy lessons as well. The first Ki Energy lessons were simple - Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim would have us sit down either under some beautiful trees, or right there in the grass, and give a brief lecture, drawing from the environment around us. It was so exciting for me, to finally actually feel, and eventually, see Ki energy! I had thought that such a privilege was reserved for only the most ancient, Oriental Masters who live on top of tall mountains....
And here we were, total and complete Westerners, learning about the secrets of Ki Energy, from a true Master!
We also learned energy forms, like the one you see in the video above...and yes that is Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim in the video......
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Jung SuWon Style camping aka Self Discovery weekend, part 3
After this wonderful and big meal, we were sent to our tents for some rest. Some people that were still attached to civilization, asked for a place to shower or brush teeth, etc.
We got a cup of water from a jar for brushing teeth, and were pointed towards a little stream if we wanted to wash up. No RVs here!!!
By now I didn't have any more expectations as to what would or should happen. I simply had no idea from moment to moment, what was going to happen.
After all that much activity, I slept deeply and well....until I awoke to the sound of the gong! Yes, a beautiful, harmonious sound...I got the idea that now was the time to get up. I stuck my head out of my tent, for once not worried about how I looked, how frizzy my hair was or if I still had sleepy seeds in my eyes.
I figured if they wanted us to rough it, then for sure they wouldn't mind my "rough" look!
We were directed to do a basic morning cleanup - yes, again a trip down to the stream, to the water jug, and one in the great yonder with the shovel...then we were asked to put on our Martial Arts Uniforms and assemble.
Grandmaster Kim appeared, almost out of nowhere. Now I tried to not think too much about anything but be open for whatever comes my way, but how on earth could she look so beautiful, so put together after "camping out" like this?
She welcomed us with a big smile and explained about living in natue, feeling part of nature, being connected to our environment. It was fabulous, a magic moment. Forgotten were all my worries, stresses, concerns. Sitting in the middle of a forest, smelling nature and hearing birds sing, hear the wind go through the trees, and listening to Grandmaster Kim....soon I was in another world.
Then - time for getting physical! After some warmp ups it was time for a rigorous Martial Arts workout, right there in the woods!
And for the rest of the story - come back tomorrow!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Self Discovery weekend - oh yeah!
I missed posting for a couple days - wasn't feeling well...
But I am excited to tell you more about Self Discovery weekend.
So here I was, barely a purple belt, full of excitement, heading out into the middle of nowhere, hours away from any known civilization, into the middle of herds of dangerous animals, poisonous plants and whatever creatures might lurk out there.....
It was way out, for sure. But there were no more dangers other than the ones we created with our own fears.
I remember well my first "traditional" weekend. After I had recovered from the shock of "no bathrooms", and after we set up our tents, we were getting hungry - all that driving and the fresh outdoor air had made us hungry.
Now remember, we weren't supposed to bring any of our own food. It was supposed to be provided. I had secretly been looking around for cans of chef boyardee, or some other prepared food, perhaps we were only going to get some army rations or power bars or something.
But nothing of the sort. We soon found ourselves digging some shallow holes and putting some good sized rocks into them, then adding firewood and startig fires. In no time at all Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim was performing what I call "food magic." In a very old fashioned way, she cooked - and showed us how to - rice, soup, and some Korean meat dishes (I'll go into details about this on my food blog).
That first meal was better than any meal at a five star restaurant. Not only did it taste fantastic, but we all felt a surge of energy inside us, and a deep sense of connection with how the food was made and where it came from.
Stay in tune as to how our next day started, after a peaceful night under the stars (well, ahem, inside the tent...)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Jung Su Won training - Self Discover Weekends!
Ah yes, those wonderful times, when we went out to some place in the wilderness and trained like we imagined it might have been for the ancient warriors!
Well, this being more modern times, we did have each our own individual tents, and some other small remnants of civilization with us, but for the most part, it was pretty much "roughing it", at least on those original ones...what wonderful memories! We did not keep any watches on us, or cell phones, or pagers. No flashlights, battery operated anything.
We would arrive on Friday night, leaving right after work, and drive for several hours, and then pitch our tents. Then sitting around a campfire...Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim would introduce us to this strange new world...
I will never forget my first Self Discovery weekend - I was barely a purple belt and still so new to a lot of Martial Arts. I asked an instructors where the bathrooms were.
And what do you think I was told? Nothing! I was simply handed a shovel, with a roll of toiled paper stuck on top of it...
More of this tomorrow
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Jung SuWon Training: we are always testing....
See, that's the exciting thing about training at Jung SuWon: you might think testing only happens on certain days, when the nice program booklets are printed out, and we've had a lot of time to practice...and we usually find out weeks in advance, somtimes months, when such testings happen.
However, Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim explained that those testings are but a formality, and while important, the real testing happens each and every day - through our attitude, how we deal with unexpected situations, and so on.
One time, and I believe I was merely an orange belt, we were doing a Martial Arts demonstration at a local school. Back at that time, we never praciced any routines for those demos. Grandmaster would call up students and have them perform things on the spot. I felt relatively "safe" since I was only an orange belt, and what could I show anyhow?
I couldn't have been more wrong. After some bong sparring, multiple partner sparring and breakings performed by our instructors, I found myself being called up with some other relative newbees.
From safe and smug, I was now in the spotlight, right in front of a nice cinderblock, which I was supposed to break. Everyone else in this group broke their boards or bricks just fine, except me. I couldn't focus, was scared, and just was nervous like never before.
So, you would think - this being a demo - Grandmaster would let me just get off the hook and go home, right?
Training at Jung SuWon isn't about performance, although that does have its place. It is about improving yourself, getting to know yourself, finding trust in yourself, and a whole lot more.
So instead of allowing me to give up, Grandmaster - after the offical part of the demo was over and some of the spectators had already left, called me back up to the cinderblock, and said, "well, since you cannot break this one cinderblock, seems to me you need a bigger challenge, and instantly another cinderblock was placed on top of the first one!
I went from fear to panic. There was no getting away from this! And of course, a bunch of curious bystanders gathered quickly around to see what was going on!
Now what!
Anyhow, Grandmaster whispered to me with her big, invincible smile, "I know you can do this! Now go do it!"
Next thing I knew, those cinderblocks broke under a cloud of dust!
Sometimes we need this extra push, and the extra love in our life. Even though we might be perfectly capable of doing something, if we don't believe we can do it, it won't happen. And it helps to have someone at our side, once in a while, to show us that yes, we CAN indeed do it!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Jung SuWon Training: testing time!
Like I said in my previous post, testings are are highly unpredictable. You can just never tell what you'll end up doing.
I remember another testing, I believe I was testing for my redbelt.
Before anything got even started, I heard Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim call my name. I responded almost automatically and ran up, attention bowed, and stood at attention, ready for anything - or so I thought.
Next words I heard, "Sing the National Anthem".
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of my huge big fears was singing in public, or even singing at all. I don't like how I sound when I sing, I have a squeaky, hollow voice...and...and...and I just was scared to death to sing in front of anyone, even myself, in the mirror!
So now, I was supposed to sing in front of all these people?
Some helpful soul came running up to me with a microphone..this was getting serious. I had beads of sweat on my forehead and everywhere else, and was shaking. Did Grandmaster really mean it? I mean, she really wanted me to sing?
Yes! She kept looking straight at me, with a big smile, and expectantly. I thought I was going to pass out right there.
But instead, the incredible thing happened. All of a sudden my mind quieted down. In fact, my mind seemed to just go in the background, and let my internal energy take over. All the time I had spent meditating, all the times I had told myself "He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not Me!" were now showing results.
Before I knew it, I was singing the anthem (it had taken me about 3 weeks to memorize the words, but yes, I did do it!) and I didn't really realize what just happened until after it was all done and I heard applause....
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Jung Su Won training: the impossible is possible!
( This is not me in the picture, nor is it my picture, but I thought it would make for great illustration).
I was just told that all I am posting is 20 plus years old, and that has actually been true so far. But I felt like I can't just tell you about me and my training without giving you a little background first.
Maybe this background is getting a bit too long?
Anyhow, I'll jump forward in time a little bit, to the time in California, and will dwell on one of my most memorable testings at Jung SuWon.
You see, I have always been very afraid of heights. As in, VEEEERY! Even stepping on a short step ladder would bring beads of sweat to my forehead.
Even I was a proud blue belt at the time, and was testing for my brown belt, I was not prepared for what was to come. The thing is, testings at Jung SuWon are just not predictable. There are very few "set rules" at a testing. Sure, you need to know your forms, you need to do some breaking (although you may not end up doing what you were planning to do) and its a good bet that there is some sparring involved. Beyond that, well, just be mentally ready for whatever.
So I was done with all the forms, sparring and breaking and I thought I was pretty much all done. Not so. Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim asked some senior belts to lower the ropes. At the time, we had ropes suspended from the ceiling, and they were connected with each other via a rope across the ceiling. The goal being to climb up one rope, shimmy across and come down on the other rope.
I had until then never been able to do this, and from my first attempts it didn't look like I would do it that day either. I gave it a few half hearted tries and was ready to write it off as "I am too heavy" (I wasn't), or "I am too old" or "I am too clumsy" or whatever.
After several attempts Grandmaster took me into her office - stopping the testing - and sat me down. She said, "I know this is hard for you. But I also know you can do it. If you can do this today, you can do anything you set your mind to. Now lets go out and do it!"
The rest I don't remember too clearly, but I am told that I marched out of the office, and with new determination approached the rope, climbed up, went across and came down, to the thunderous applause of everyone. At the bottom of the rope Grandmaster Kim was waiting for me, with a big hug.
I will never forget this proud moment!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Jung SuWon Training: a very unusual Christmas party
Since I started training in late fall, I was invited to the Jung SuWon Christmas party.
At first of course I wasn't going to go at all. I was too shy and I didn't like parties. And I hardly knew anyone there yet, and after all, I went there to work out and learn martial arts, not go to parties...I had any number of excuses as to why not go to the party.
But Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim was so, well, inviting, that I simply couldn't resist. Her beautiful smile, encouraging words, well at least I was willing to give it a try and besides, I could always go home if I had enough, right?
It was a potluck, so I offered to make dessert (desserts are my specialty and I am going to start a blog on that subject soon). The occasion being a Christmas Party, I was going to make a gingerbread house. I spent 3 days making it, painstakingly, with candy glass windows, and leaving my kitchen a sticky mess :)
Anyhow, at first I felt so awkward at that party, and was going to go straight home, but it turned out fun, exciting, and entertaining and before I knew it I had a lot of fun and was part of the group.
We had a nice dinner and people shared why they made the food they did and I don't remember all the details, but everyone liked the dessert and Grandmaster made some nice comments and praised me...something I so much needed at the time. People were doing all kinds of performances, singing songs, some skits, and it was all very nice.
I started to realize that Martial Arts wasn't just a good workout, it could actually be a way of life...if I was ready to go for it....
Monday, July 7, 2008
Jung SuWon training - one step at a time
So, one day, after Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's prompting, I felt somewhat ready to join in the regular Jung SuWon class.
Was I ever scared! I felt so out of place! I couldn't keep up with the class and felt like everyone was staring at me and making fun of me. Of course, no such thing! Everyone was very nice to me and besides, everyone was way too busy participating in class to watch what I was doing!
So I stumbled along, halfway embarrassed, halfway starting to enjoy it....the energy was so catching that before class was over, without realizing it, I had a lot of fun, it was exciting, and I was glad I went!
However, one more hurdle I hadn't counted on....at the end of class, everyone was shouting it out ...HE CAN DO, SHE CAN DO, WHY NOT ME! And even though this motto had carried me through very tough times the past couple of months, I still couldn't do it in class....shyness took over and I just stood there, mumbling a very quiet he can do she can do why not me....hoping nobody would notice me...
To my utter surprise, after class, Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim told me I did a great job and encouraged me to come to class again...and other students walked up to me, welcomed me....I felt very warm, welcome, and downright good.
I was hooked.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Jung Su Won: my very first classes at Jung SuWon
Ah yes, my first classes at Jung SuWon! Did I mention I was to shy to even participate in a regular Martial Arts class? It's true! I was not going to do it!
However, Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim helped ease me into it and let me start taking private classes at first. What a relief! At least I could feel clumsy, uncoordinated, shy, awkward, and simply just strange, and not have to worry about other people's reactions.
So for the first couple of months of my training at Jung SuWon, I came only once a week, for a private class. I was kind of intrigued by class, but yet way too scared to join. So I would practice at home during the week what I learned on Saturdays, but simply couldn't see myself joining class.
...You should see me in class now....
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Jung SuWon training: determination
I have to add that I re-discovered a whole lot of determination. In order for me to be able to go to Jung SuWon class, I had to find a babysitter first, pick up the sitter or drop the kids off at the place, and then go to Jung SuWon. Well, think about a cold Vermont winter, snowstorms, etc. But somehow, when class time rolled around, I went out to pick up the sitter (she didn't have a drivers license yet), or, took the kids to drop them off.
I remember one time in particular, it was almost blizzard conditions and I couldn't see the street too well. But out I went, praying all the time, saying to myself, I can do this! I so much desired to go to class and learn from a real Master, that nothing could hold me back. Was I scared? Sure I was! But I didn't let that hold me back - not anymore! Armed with Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim's motto: "He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not Me!" I made it through just about any challenging situation.
No, it wasn't a complete white out of course. But for me, who had just recently gotten my drivers license myself, it was quite the challenge. And the feeling of pride, of accomplishment, was very very sweet.
Every little success boosted my spirit....
Next time, I'll share more about my very first Jung SuWon classes...I just realized I missed that part....
Friday, July 4, 2008
Jung SuWon Training applied in everyday life
At the time I started training at Jung SuWon, I was living way out in the country in Vermont. So way out that the mail man didn't bring mail to the house, but to a cluster of mailboxes at the turnoff from the country road. It just so happened that the people living in the house across the mail box owned a very big dog that would always come running out after me when I went to get the mail, and was snapping at me and sometimes even nipping me.
So - being too fearful and shy to call the neighbors to control their dog, I began to avoid the mailbox altogether and asked other people if they could please pick up the mail for me.
After a couple of months of training, after having attained just a little glimpse of confidence, I dared walk to the mail box again. This time I had a plan. Sure enough, the dog came charging after me, barking louder than ever and looking very scarey with all those teeth!
However, this time, I dropped into a cat stance and let out the loudest ki up I had ever produced! I was determined that this dog would from now on respect me and leave me alone.
To my complete and utter amazement, the dog stopped immediately, and walked away. From then on we were best friends!
Yes, it does seem like such a small thing, but to me, this was everything - it showed me that yes, I could change! I didn't have to accept everything as it came, but that I can fight back and do things my way!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Always new things at Jung SuWon
And yes, for the record, after a few weeks I was also able to do the one armed push ups!
Great Grandmaster Kim always reminded us in class that we shouldn't just stop there -whatever we learn in the Do Jang, we should take with us and practice in our every day life.
Well at first that made little sense to me. I mean, who am I going to punch and kick, right? But then I started to think a little bit below the surface and realized that it was my attitude I need to carry with me wherever I go, that I need to have the "Can Do!" attitude always. Not just in the Do Jang.
That wasn't easy either. It's so much easier with your teacher right there, encouraging you every step of the way. But without that, at home, wherever you go, that wasn't so easy.
I was very very shy and even making a simple phone call was a big deal for me. But, again, what did I have to lose? I started experimenting with this concept and it was amazing what I found myself doing....
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Continued Changes through Jung SuWon training
Every day brought new challenges and new victories. Even little things boosted my attitude and helped me "stick with it". Every day I saw a little progress. For example, I thought I could never do a back pushup, never mind a series of them.
It is one of the warm up exercises at Jung SuWon, and in my mind I had given up and put it aside as a "just can't do it". But something inside me was nagging at me and wanted to test this "He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not Me" out, even in a small way. So since my arms were weak, I started out by doing "girl pushups" and general exercises to strengthen my arms, while still practicing those back pushups. One week passed, then two and three, and still I wasn't able to do them. But I figured, what do I have to lose? Even if it takes me 2 years, at least I can do them! So one day after about 6 weeks, I celebrated my first back push up!
Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim had a big smile for me that day....and raised the bar by telling me a one armed push up would be my next thing to conquer.....
Monday, June 30, 2008
Meanwhile, at Jung SuWon
Of course, I didn't stop the physical Jung SuWon Martial Arts Workout. That in itself was a big struggle for me.
After many years of being a couch potato, and after having two children, you can imagine that I was quite out of shape. Not fat - in fact I was anorexic - nevertheless completely out of shape.
But that wasn't the worst of it. The worst part was having to remember so many new things, like all these Korean expressions, remember how to tie my belt (don't laugh but it took me about 3 weeks to do it right and I have a college degree) and the same of course with learning forms. I actually resorted to taping arrows on the floor so I could remember which direction to go, and instructions as to what techniques to do once I turned.
Through it all, Grandmaster Kim was very patient and always was there for me when I was struggling. It didn't matter to her how small or how large my struggle was, she always encouraged me, never ever laughed at me, and showed me step by step that I could change, improve myself, and reach any goals I set.
What a concept!
Slowly I also learned some Ki energy forms, to help me stay focused, calm, and centered throughout the day. At first, oh what stress! More to remember!
But again, the step by step process helped and eventually I was able to retain....all part of the learning and changing program...
Friday, June 27, 2008
More about "beginning meditation"
So there I was, trying to meditate every day.
After the initial "so what am I supposed to do, and how" it became a challenge and I was determined to get the hang of it, but somehow the harder I tried and tried to force "meditation success" (whatever that was supposed to be) the less I liked the process and thought I was failing. Instead of peace and harmony I experienced stress!
Grandmaster Kim had a good and benevolent laugh at this and very patiently told me to simply relax and have a good time and not trying to "do it right." Almost like a date with myself.
Now this was something I could relate to and after a few days I was actually starting to look forward to this peaceful, quiet, and relaxing time. I had no major experiences, just enjoyed the harmony and nice time I had to myself. I was finally relaxing!
Even during the day, other than during my meditations, I started feeling the benefits of it. In stressful situations, I would apply the newly learned breathing methods. Instead of getting all worked up, I would quietly breathe, and focus and was able to diminish the stressful times in my life.
Again, no drastic, overnight change, but a beautiful "work in progress" was starting to take hold.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
My first attempts at meditation
Well, at first I wasn't so sure what meditation was supposed to be. When Grandmaster Kim told me that I needed to meditate every day, I really had no clue.
She started me out with baby steps: just sit down in a quiet spot, at a quiet time of day, where no other things are interfering, light a candle and focus on the flame. Thank goodness she didn't ask me to not think anything!
Grandmaster Kim explained to me that if I am so pre-occupied with not thinking about anything, I would end up thinking about not thinking....and so would get lost right away.
Instead, she advised, just let thoughts come as they will, and let them flow through. Don't hold on to anything, but let the thoughts come and then let them go again. Let the thoughts settle down until peaceful feelings set in.
I must admit, my first try was just that: an attempt. I remember sitting there, staring at this candle, and wondering how long I would have to sit there, and if I would ever have some profound experience. I was also wondering how this would or could help me with my problems.
But, I was hanging on to one thing: Grandmaster Kim had asked me to give it a try and I figured it would be worth the try.
So, I kept "meditating"......and sure enough, after just a few times, I started to feel this new calm feeling, something I hadn't felt before.....
....but more about that later....
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Keep on Trying!
Of course, just by joining a Martial Arts Class and admiring a new found Master doesn't automatically guarantee anything and no miracles happened. It did take hard work, sweat and even tears now and then.
But, like everything else worthwhile in life, what effort you put in is what you get out. It was hard to erase old habits, old attitudes, old thoughts that I had let become engrained in my head.
Here is one simple thing I learned: if something seems too hard to do, just tell yourself you only have to do it for one minute (or for however long you think you might be able to handle it). Then after that one minute, give yourself some credit and make it another minute. When you feel comfortable that you can do a minute no problem, up it to 5 minutes, or whatever you feel comfortable with). And keep going like that. Pretty soon you'll realize it's not such a big deal after all.
This method was my life saver back then, and I still keep going back to it to get me over the rough spots in life.
Although now of course, after many years of training, I do know and have the confidence that whatever comes my way, somehow I will be able to handle it, and handle it well.
Monday, June 23, 2008
He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not Me!
Today I would like to leave you with this video - here is where Dr. Tae Yun Kim says her trade mark motto, which has inspired me so much in my life.
He Can Do, She Can Do, Why Not Me!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The story continues
So after meeting Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim, I had new hope. At least there was hope! I didn't expect an overnight life changing experience, and I didn't have one either. But I did realize that I didn't have to be stuck.
Grandmaster Kim's energy was contagious. Never a judgemental word from her. Only encouragement and cheering me on. Even though she had many students, she always made me feel special. Whereas before I had always been compared to others (and trust me there is always someone better out there than you.. ) or just plain been told very negative and derogatory things, now I heard so much positive that it took time for me to believe in it.
But there was no denying: Grandmaster Kim's strategy worked. By having me work out at Jung SuWon and learning the Martial Arts, I, the couch potato, learned how to kick, punch and block, and not just that, I learned how to kick away my fears, punch out all the negative experiences, and block away judgmental attitudes. Slowly but very surely I was gaining confidence in the new "me".
Grandmaster Kim's motto "He Can Do, She Can Do, Why not Me!" came true. Yes, I can, too!!!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Meeting a real Master
Before I start with what's going on in my life right now, I have to say a few things as to how I got to the "here and now."
Well, it was in the early 80s back in Vermont. My life wasn't going as I had hoped for. Sure, I had a great education, was married, had 2 kids, house, car, and what not. All seemed to be going great and anyone around me would have thought "she's got it all."
But on the inside I was dying. I had a lot of personal and family problems. I was deeply unhappy, was starting to fall back to being anorexic, which I had been ever since I turned 16, and just was wondering if this was all life had to offer.
Then, one Saturday in foggy November, I tagged along with someone to a Martial Arts studio. Now at the time, I had no idea what Martial Arts was. I came from Salzburg, Austria and we didn't know anything back then about Martial Arts. So after it was explained to me, I thought this was way too brutal and savage for me, but would come along since I didn't have anything better to do.
I remember well walking into this tiny Do Jang, where this beautiful oriental girl in white pajamas (what did I know about uniforms!) and the very first thing she said was "Who is your worst enemy?" And the group of people - presumably her students - answered together "Myself Ma'am."
I was floored. That was part of Martial Arts? If that was indeed part of it - I wanted it. I knew I needed help, and that one little question made me realize that perhaps I would find help here.
Shortly thereafter the class was over and I found myself in that young girl's office - it turned out that she was actually Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim!
She assured me that I wasn't a bad person and only needed to re-direct my energy and I would be whole soon. She made me feel very welcome, very much at home, and there was no pressure for anything, whatsoever.
I liked her proposition: You try it my way, and if you don't want to do that anymore, then simply go back to doing things your way.
Deal! This was the day my new life began.
An introduction is in order
This is a new adventure for me, and an introduction is in order. I thought this would give you a little bit of an idea who I am and what my passion in life is:
Please do follow the link...and have a great day!